Hi! We're Grizzly Goldens


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  1. How do I place a deposit?
    - You can either mail us a check, or through our payment portal. Please make sure to fill out the waitlist form on the Join the Waitlist page, and we'll correspond with you on what steps to take next.
  2. Can I get open registration?
    - At this time we do not offer this option. Our goal is to provide high quality, well-adjusted puppies as companions to individuals or families. We do not have the additional time to devote to coaching and mentoring  those who wish to explore the breeding or show route. However, we can point you in the direction of those who do offer this though!
  3. What are your puppy prices?
    - Our puppy prices are $2500. If you wish to know more about all that is included with this puppies price, click here. We will be possibly raising our pricing in six months. This is to keep up with added value and inflation. We'll be posting a blog shortly containing more information and will link it here.
  4. Can the price of my puppy change before I take them home?
    - No! When you submit your application, we immediately tie the current puppy price to your application. So if we do change the price, yours is locked in! Even if it takes 12 months to get your puppy, your price will not change.
  5. Do you offer a discounts for returning clients?
    - We do! We also offer discounts for veterans and first responders. When you fill out the waitlist form, just select which one applies to you in the appropriate drop down box.
  6. Do you offer discounts for referrals?
    - At the moment we don't. If this is something you're interested in seeing, let us know!
  7. Other questions?
    - If you have additional questions that you can't find the answers to on the website, we're more than happy to help, just send us an email at info@grizzlygoldens.com
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